Tuesday, April 5, 2011

iPad And Kinect Hacked To Steer RC Car (video)

Now That's what surely a B.Tech student would like. However the converse isn't true.
Imaginative ways to use Microsofts Kinect keep appearing daily and another worth a mentioning today is the is this hack that uses either an iPad or Kinect to take control of a remote control car.
The project has beed setup to show how hand gestures can be used to control R/C vehicles and one uses a Kinect and the other a HTML5 web application, with use of WebSockets, DeviceMotionEvent, Canvas.  Watch a video of the hack after the jump, to see the iPad and Kinect hacks in action.

In the HTML5-based version, the web application uses DeviceMotionEvent to get accelerometer readings and calculates the instructions for what the R/C car needs to accomplish.
This action is encoded in the format expected by the Arduino sketch, and is then sent over a WebSocket to a simple server written in Python. The Python script simply forwards the received data to the Arduino via the serial port. The Arduino toggles its output to close and open switches to control the R/C car.
For more information on the project visit the creator Gaurav Manek website.

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